On a cold, bright day in early November, the love of two doctors transformed a cavernous industrial space in Queens into a place o...
“I am originally from New Orleans, so we had traveled there many times to visit. The Ritz-Carlton is intertwined with the he...
Alexsandra and Chris were eternally bound to each other before they were even married. “We have a daughter together,so we we...
Is there anything more intimate than getting married at your family home, surrounded by loved ones — including your beloved dog?...
Set up by a mutual friend, Tracy, a nutritionist, and Scott, a sports enthusiast, hit it off right away. “Tracy made me laug...
With Junior Prom around the corner, a friend setup Kyla on a blind date with a boy she knew from another high school nearby. ̶...
Jay and Jessica admit that their first few interactions after meeting each other on a dating app were a struggle. “Jay—the kin...
When Lindsay first met Seth in 2011 while working as a publicist for his Hamptons restaurant Georgica, she was immediately smitten...
When Stephanie and Jonathan first met in Acapulco on Spring Break nine years ago, the two college students were like the proverbia...
In the media, Spring Break doesn’t normally have the reputation for being the birthplace of future marriages. Lately, though, we...